So we had a pretty fun week, not exactly the best week for missionary work, but we had a good time. Of course we had a pretty fun Thanksgiving, we went to the church to play basketball in the morning because our ward is too nerdy to play football (we have a lot of Georgia Tech students in the ward) so that was my biggest bummer not playing a turkey bowl, we were going to go to another ward but our zone leaders wouldn't give us permission. But we did have a good dinner at a member's house. So far since Thanksgiving we have eaten turkey at least once a day it seems like and we'll probably have it again for the next couple of days. On Saturday we ate at another members house but instead of the normal home-style fixin's we had turkey tacos which were pretty darn good! And I guess while I'm on the subject of food I had probably one of the weirdest things I'll ever have on my mission, we got fed chicken feet soup. It was really weird but didn't taste bad at all, it was just one of those texture things. IT was this Jamaican sister that made it for us, and the last time we were there she made us porridge, which I thought only existed in fairy tales. That was pretty weird too, it tasted fine but it was just a really weird consistency and she gave us a Jethro sized bowl of it, but I managed to keep it down.

Since I didn't have a whole lot to do for my birthday we are going to do some celebrating today and go to Chipotle! I am stoked! The only Chipotle that I know of in Georgia is in Atlanta and now that I am here I can actually go! hopefully its as good as back home, because the Mexican food in Georgia has been kind of disappointing so far.
Well as far as the work here in Union City, our teaching pool is pretty shallow. None of the investigators we have right now seem too interested and nobody is progressing so we will more than likely be dropping them. We get a fair amount of media referrals here though which we got a couple this mornings. Atlanta is pretty much the media referral capitol of the world. There's one set of missionaries in this zone that all they do is deliver and teach referrals, and I think there's only one or two other missions in the world that have to do that as well. So we will probably be doing a lot of finding the next couple of weeks which is always fun. Its not my favorite part of missionary work but its where most of the best stories come from, especially now that I get to ride MARTA. Well, thanks again for everything, I will keep y'all updated next week and have a great day!
-Elder Edwards
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