Hey sorry I missed y'all last week, we had a very interesting week with a couple of disappointments but it ended out alright so I really can't complain. I guess I'll go with the not so good news first.
We were really looking forward to a dinner appointment we had scheduled with a
part member family because we got a tip from Elder Cornish of the 70, who is the home teacher for this family, that the husband was really
coming around and felt like he might be ready for baptism. So we went there, us, and the
Vietnamese elders who are good friends with this nonmember, or at least Elder
L. is, considering Elder
L. has been in this same area for the past 15 months. As we begin to eat my companion wasn't feeling to good and had to go lay on the couch. We finished dinner and were getting to the lesson/ spiritual thought and asking him questions trying to feel out if he would be interested in going through the lessons again, when my companion got up from the couch, walked into the kitchen and tossed all his cookies into the sink. It was pretty bad. I really
didn't know what to do, but we got home pretty much as
fast as we could. I felt pretty bad for him, especially after that sort of thing happened twice while I was in the Atlanta ward.
But ya we spent the next day or so recovering from that, and then
Friday we had to drop our car off to the body shop for a fender bender that happened at the
beginning of this transfer, and so we are on foot for this week until we get the car back. On the bright side we were able to get a lot of people to help sign up for team ups/splits so it is kind of a blessing in disguise. I think we have more team ups this week than we know how to handle. We really
don't have many investigators right now, but we have been able to see a lot of success with less active members, in fact our two dinner appointments this week are with sisters who have recently been starting to come back to church, and I think we might even have an opportunity to teach some nonmember roommates at one of those appointments, which is going to be awesome! Well I love y'all and have a blessed week!