So we had transfers this past week as I told you last time, and I am still in Brockett and am now serving with Elder O. Elder B. went to Smyrna, which is still in the ATL Stake but just on the West side, so he's not too far away. But, Elder O. is from L.A., he went to BUYI for a little while before he came out to the GAM, he's been in the mission field only one transfer ahead of me so he's at about 15 months right now. It is going to be a super good transfer, he likes to work hard and with the Brockett ward behind us we are going to continue to see miracles. This week we found 6 new investigators, had a handfull of lessons with less active and part member families and are going to have a super awesome week ahead of us. On this tuesday alone we have 5 appointments set, at least one team up for sure, and a possibility of having three team ups that day! So I'll have to let you know how that goes. Well I hope that everything is going great back home. I love y'all, miss y'all and will talk to y'all later!
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