-J update> we had FHE with them this week, went over new years resolutions/goals and the family is definitely on the right track, working on overcoming challenges and for S to be baptized. We had another NERF war with the kids and it was awesome! We were also able to see them New Years Eve and they all made it to church!

On new years day we went over to the Gs (a part member family) we havent focused a lot on working with C or J ( the nonmember dad and his daughter) because C hasn't shown too much interest, but he pretty much committed himself to be baptized before we even asked! He told us that he wants to read the book of mormon and if he feels like it is true he said he would join our church! J is very much the same way, and we had a pretty darn good lesson, it was chaos because we didn't expect it and were a little unprepared, but we left with a soft committment to baptism from the both of them and I am sure that Sister G is just ecstatic!
-Church> We had 4 investigators to church, S, J and two random new investigators that a member that just moved in brought along with him! Elder J and I taught the Gospel Principles class and just taught a lesson 1 on the Restoration with the two new investigators there, and needless to say it was incredible!
The work is really moving along in Cassville and though I wish I had more time to serve here, I am anxious to see Elder J do well and see the success here in the comming transfers!
-P-Day! always awesome, today is going to be super incredible and I'd tell you more about it but remind me later because I gots to go!
love y'all!
-Elder Alex Edwards
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