Saturday, February 28, 2009

Missionary Mail!

Hello there! How's all y'all been doin? Thank you for your letter the other day! and Happy Birthday Ryan! I cant believe you are actually a deacon now! that is Awesome! Well I have to try to be brief but I did write a letter already so be looking for that in the mail. Today is our first p-day and after going to the temple in the morning we've really only been doing laundry and writing letters. You'll have to forward some of this to sister Nuttal for me because she wrote me on dear elder and I am only supposed to email family in the MTC, but the MTC is definitely awesome! We have learned so much already and finishing up with the first lesson and on to the second lesson.

My companion is Elder Peterson, he's from southern Utah, was a drum major at his high school and kinda goofy at times but hes alright. We have to work harder at getting to class on time in the morning. One time our whole room slept past our alarm clock and we had ten minutes to get ready to go to class. So that has been exciting. Usually I have to wait for Elder Peterson to get ready so I try and help him out and make his bed for him. But we're improving. in a typical day we get up at 6:30 and get ready for Book of Mormon study at 7 and then breakfast at 7:30 and then our schedule changes every day but we sometimes have companion study and personal study in the morning or a teacher comes in and teaches and then lunch is at 12 and then its back to class for study/ teacher time and then dinner at 5 and then more class/ study.

Also on Monday, wed, fri, sat we go to the Referral Center to take calls from people responding to commercials or pass along cards for free church materials so we get to talk to them and bear testimony which is a really cool experience, except I have really only gotten to talk to one person, but it was more about quality than quantity. we also have gym usually after lunch but four days of the week. It was hard because we didn't have our first gym for several days and we had to wait over a week for our p-day to write people. Our district is really good and we have some funny kids.

The food here is really good, the first few days I pigged out on stuff but now I'm trying to cut back a bit more and just have salads or more healthy choices instead of a burger and fries or what ever the meal is for that time. You'll have to tell sister Ganem that I am addicted to the POG (passion orange guava juice) and that I have a glass with every meal. but ya we really get to do alot of cool things like build lightsabers, do aerial tricks like the matrix type stuff and just some really cool things that I didn't think were ever possible, You'll have to see the pictures to believe it!I cant email them due to computer restrictions but I will try to print them in the book store so you can see it.

I love you all! -Elder Edwards

1 comment:

  1. I posted this for Alex - his P-day is Thursday, that's when he wrote this
