Ok, so It has definitely been a really good first week. White washing hasn't been exactly what I expected, but I am liking it. Our address is 227 Eagle Lake Dr and I cant remember the zip code other than it's in Dallas Georgia.
We definitely lucked out and have been blessed with a car, actually its probably one of the nicest in the mission, its a 2009 Malibu, which has been very much a convenience. On top of that we have a generous amount of miles, about 300 more than the sisters who are serving in the same ward with us, so we have to keep that secret so they don't go ballistic on us. Elder Cooper also bought a GPS
which has been really good to have especially when we dont know the area. Actually, I would very much like one for myself, not right now, but maybe next transfer if my next companion doesn't have one himself because they save so much time that would normally be spent trying to figure out a map and are pretty cheap now a days. As far as a bike I am still wanting to get one, but probably not for a while, especially if we have a car, so I will let y'all know. But we may use them here if we ever get short on miles at the end of the month and I would like to use one.
We haven't been able to teach a whole lot because one, neither of us know many people in the ward or in the area and the sisters took all of their investigators and most everything in our area book, so we don't have too much to work with there. We have mostly been visiting less active and part member families which has been really different than what I would have expected just coming out of the MTC because it is a lot different teaching style. However it has definitely taught me a lot, especially the importance of being active in the church and keeping covenants and how doing so will truly bless your life as well as your family.
I have also been able to see how important planning is and how Heavenly Father has blessed us in our planning, and been able to go to meet people we were supposed to meet at the right time. We have one new investigator who we found through tracting and we are teaching her again tonight. The ward is awesome here we have a lot of really great members and a superstar ward mission leader. The ward has about 600 members and only 250 or so active, so if we can reactivate people they'll split the ward in no time. We are really hoping to have a baptism this transfer which will be hard, but definitely possible we just need to start finding people to teach, which is what missionary work is all about. There are a lot of part member families that love to have the missionaries over but aren't interested in the lessons or hearing our message, so we're praying for their hearts to be softened, but it is definitely a really good area with tons of potential.
But that is definitely way cool to hear about Andrew's mission call! when does he leave? I heard Hunter is working on his papers as well so hopefully I will hear from him and all the other guys soon. Ok well I hope you have a wonderful day!
-Elder Alex Harrison