So this week as you know was transfers, and I am still in Sharpsburg but I am now serving with Elder Adams. He is pretty cool, he was born in South Africa and then moved to Utah/Idaho about 7 years ago, he has been on his mission for about 19 months and we are excited to get to work.

We also met the mission president (Stephen H. Satterfield) last week and I think I wrote about him in the letter I sent last week, but he is awesome. He looks like President Sherm Smith which I thought was kinda funny, but he and his wife are just the best. We have zone conferences next week and then interviews the week after so I'll let you know more about him as I find out more about him.
We are still living at the same address so whenever you will be able to send me those things that would be great! :D But that is pretty much everything, nothing all too exciting except for interviews and transfers so I hope everyone has a stellar week!
-Elder Edwards
Sherm Smith is my hero! I think it's awesome that you see a resemblance. I have always tried to listen closely to what Sherm has to say; I hope you will do the same with President Satterfield.