Saturday, October 31, 2009
Monday, October 26, 2009
So it has been another super exciting week for sure. Just to name a few things that happened I got the package the activity day girls sent, we went to zone p-day, got in a car wreck on our way to zone p-day, are scheduled to have a baptism this Friday, and found 8 new investigators throughout the week! Not too bad huh?
Well first and foremost thank you for the package, I really enjoyed it, and I think there were a couple other missionaries that enjoyed it too, or at least the candy part of it! I will write a letter home soon because I don't remember writing one last week, but just be looking for it.
So then we had zone p-day after our emailing session last week, which was pretty exciting, not so much that we got to play basketball, but because right as we were
turning in front of the church we got in a wreck! Elder 'B' and I got a ride from some people in the area directly South of us, Thomaston, and they are famous for always coming in the "Tooth Ferry," which is a big blue van that one of the members owns to pick up his patients because he is a Doctor. So we're getting there and at the intersection just before we get to the church we started to turn, when there was a car coming from the opposite direction, and I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on until I saw the pick up truck coming straight at me! I think it was really our fault because I don't think we had a green arrow to turn left. But ya, pretty much we got slammed pretty good. Luckily everyone was safe in the car, I had the worst of it because I got a shard of glass stuck in my forearm so I was bleeding a good bit, but then I just rubbed some dirt in it and called it good. It actually wasn't that bad, just a little scratch, but the van got it pretty good, the windows on the back right were gone, and the axle probably got banged up pretty good like the rim did, but I think the other truck got it worse because he hit us with his front, and the wheels were V-d out as the dragged it onto the tow truck. So needless to say that was a big bummer, especially because it was a member's vehicle. Plus we didn't have as much time to play basketball, but we survived. I felt pretty bad for Brother 'S' who was driving because it wasn't his vehicle he was just driving us.
So ya that was a good start to our week I guess. But the biggest news right now is that there is going to be a baptism in the Griffin Ward on Friday! Woohoo! His name is Brother 'C' and he is 22 and is ready to be dunked! We met him a couple weeks ago, and he's the son of a media referral we received, and hes come to church twice, had all the lessons but one, and will be interviewed on Wednesday and baptized Friday! I am pretty stoked, I will definitely send the pictures to y'all! That's about it for this week though, have a good one!
-Elder Edwards
Well first and foremost thank you for the package, I really enjoyed it, and I think there were a couple other missionaries that enjoyed it too, or at least the candy part of it! I will write a letter home soon because I don't remember writing one last week, but just be looking for it.
So then we had zone p-day after our emailing session last week, which was pretty exciting, not so much that we got to play basketball, but because right as we were

So ya that was a good start to our week I guess. But the biggest news right now is that there is going to be a baptism in the Griffin Ward on Friday! Woohoo! His name is Brother 'C' and he is 22 and is ready to be dunked! We met him a couple weeks ago, and he's the son of a media referral we received, and hes come to church twice, had all the lessons but one, and will be interviewed on Wednesday and baptized Friday! I am pretty stoked, I will definitely send the pictures to y'all! That's about it for this week though, have a good one!
-Elder Edwards
Monday, October 19, 2009

in the play offs. What other schools are contending for the championship this season? I really miss football, they take football serious down here being in the SEC and all. There's a field just down the street where our apartment is were they play Pop-Warner so every Saturday its crazy to see such a huge crowd all for the little pee-wee players. Griffin High School is ranked #1 in the state in their division so Friday nights are tough for us around the Griffin area.
Well we certainly have another powerhouse Stake Presidency. It will be weird to come home and see all the changes at the ward and stake levels, but it will be
We had a pretty rough start to our week but picked up a lot of slack towards the end of it. We had some really good team ups with people in the ward and were able to find two new investigators, one of which made it to church which was awesome. I was pretty nervous because when we got into priesthood the lesson was on eternal marriage and exaltation and then the gospel principles class threw down on the law of chastity, so I was kind of nervous at first and
didn't want him to get scared away, especially when we didn't even teach him a full first lesson when we met him two days prior. We also had another investigator at church, "R", whose wife is a member and we've been working with him off and on. He's been suffering from cancer in the recent past so we haven't been able to see him a whole lot because he's been pretty sick, but after church you could tell he had been touched by the spirit, and when I went up to ask him how he enjoyed the service he told us it really hit home for him. It is weird how fast things seem to change even from one week to then next let alone one transfer to another, but Bro. 'R' has definitely come a long way. Sister 'R' is such a good support for him and is definitely gung ho on teaching him about the restored gospel.
As far as anything else, we had zone conference this week which was super good, we didn't have any general authorities but President 'S' is definitely an inspired man. He gave us some good trainings about obedience and then at the end taught us one of his "life lessons" about finance and all I can say is that it was pretty sweet.
Well that's the report for this week, Thank you for all of your emails and
support, I love all y'all!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Well, it has been a busy week with transfers and everything and then yesterday being a holiday the library was closed so that's why we haven't had a chance to email yet. But being it was transfers last week, the final verdict is, I remain in Griffin and am now serving with Elder "B". I think we are going to have a lot of fun this transfer, not that I haven't any other transfer but it should be really good.
Elder "B" is from Utah, so I now officially have my first companion from Utah, well Elder 'P' was from Utah, but the MTC really doesn't count. But ya Elder 'B' is a diabetic which will be different for me, especially when he was telling me how to use his glucogon shot if he isn't acting right or if he falls asleep and isn't waking up, but no other missionaries hes served with have had to use it, in fact I don't think he's used it in the last 10 years. But ya, I guess its just kinda different because I have to pay attention to it, but I don't think anything will go that bad to have to use it ( knock on wood). But sadly I don't know how much we'll be able to go work out at the gym with 'JS', so I'll have to ask Elder "B" about it. He really isn't too much of a sports person in general, but he does like music a lot. He found a small keyboard at a thrift store so we have fun dinkin' around on it when we have time. He also is
learning the harmonica and the recorder. He's definitely an interesting character but I have loved every minute of serving with him.
So I should be sending my pictures home shortly I really didn't take many this last transfer and I forgot to get a couple off Elder M's camera that I wanted, but there are definitely some good ones that y'all will like. Well that's about all the news as of right now sound like y'all are having a lot of fun back home! I'll Talk to ya next week!
Elder "B" is from Utah, so I now officially have my first companion from Utah, well Elder 'P' was from Utah, but the MTC really doesn't count. But ya Elder 'B' is a diabetic which will be different for me, especially when he was telling me how to use his glucogon shot if he isn't acting right or if he falls asleep and isn't waking up, but no other missionaries hes served with have had to use it, in fact I don't think he's used it in the last 10 years. But ya, I guess its just kinda different because I have to pay attention to it, but I don't think anything will go that bad to have to use it ( knock on wood). But sadly I don't know how much we'll be able to go work out at the gym with 'JS', so I'll have to ask Elder "B" about it. He really isn't too much of a sports person in general, but he does like music a lot. He found a small keyboard at a thrift store so we have fun dinkin' around on it when we have time. He also is

So I should be sending my pictures home shortly I really didn't take many this last transfer and I forgot to get a couple off Elder M's camera that I wanted, but there are definitely some good ones that y'all will like. Well that's about all the news as of right now sound like y'all are having a lot of fun back home! I'll Talk to ya next week!
Monday, October 5, 2009
Hear me now, believe me later
Well, not too much new info for this week, we did get two of our most promising investigators to attend conference with us which was awesome, pretty much they will be baptized when they get married and stop smoking, which they are working on both right now, so hopefully next transfer they should go down!
Well I hope everyone enjoyed conference because it was sweet. I liked the Saturday session the best because it seemed like I got a lot more personal revelation than Sunday, not that it was bad, but I just liked Saturday better, I think Dallin H. Oaks was one of my favorite talks, about how the love of God does not supersede his commandments and love doesn't give us the right or excuse to not obey. But pretty much all of them were really good.
Well, since you asked, Elder Meacham is from Boise Idaho which I thought I said, but ya as far as his bench stats lets just say he should stick to cross country. He loves to run which is good for me to go out and jog in the mornings, however, speaking of bench, our ward mission leader has a son in law that is a huge time lifter, and is seriously just an ox. hes about my size but 100% solid, and you can tell he lifts weights but not that he lifts as much as he does, I mean he squats about 600, and benches like 400 and is seriously just a tank. But, aside from that he is a nonmember and our ward mission leader wants us (meaning me because I am about the only missionary that can hang with him lifting wise) to kind of make him a special project, so we have been able to go lift at the gym with him which has been sweet, and also painful. Last Saturday we worked biceps and triceps and we could feel the burn in our arms for the next several days, even just talking on the phone hurt just to put the phone up to our ear. And then this past Saturday we got to go do a leg workout with him before the first session of conference, and now it feels like I can barely walk! Luckily it's p-day and we're going to play basketball today so we should get some of that lactic acid out. But ya our ward mission leader wants us to go lift with him at least once or twice a week, which I have no complaints about, I just wish I didn't feel like a wussy. He goes to a super hardcore gym
where pretty much only serious lifters go, and actually he got kicked out of his old gym for lifting too much is what he said. So ya he's the real deal.
But with transfers, more than likely Elder Meacham is going to be leaving because he has been here for 6 months, so regardless I hope whoever my companion is next transfer likes to lift! Well as well I forgot to tell you all about a pretty funny experience I had last week at church, so I will tell you now, but for the past couple of transfers, I have been trying to learn some hymns on the piano and just practicing when I can when we are at the church for meetings and whatnot, and so recently I've been playing before church starts just some pre-prelude music before the real people that do it get there, and so our church schedule is kinda flip flopped with priesthood first and then ending with sacrament, so there's a couple times in the griffin ward I've been able to play the song for priesthood, even though its Brother Lackey's calling I suppose, but he hasn't minded every once in a while letting me play because I'm already up there, which has kind of put me on the spot several times because I haven't really wanted to do it, but its not that bad because there's not nearly that many people there for priesthood that often, so I can suck it up. But I've been getting to the point I can play about four or five hymns comfortably. So on Sunday we were leaving the gospel principles class and on our way to get a seat for sacrament and just about as soon as I walk in the chapel the chorister comes and asks me to play piano for sacrament because the pianist wasn't there, so I pretty much just got suckered into playing for sacrament because I couldn't really say no, and so ya I actually had to play piano for Sacrament! it was pretty rough, especially the introduction to the first song because I don't practice intro's and then I haven't practiced just about any sacrament songs so I had to pick one that looked easy to me and then pretty much sight read it and there were a couple really rough spots but I got through it. But ya it was pretty intense and I kinda dont want to get called on for it again, at least not until I can play more hymns better! So ya that was my funny story for the week, so I hope y'all have a super week and I'll let you know about transfers on Wednesday!
Well I hope everyone enjoyed conference because it was sweet. I liked the Saturday session the best because it seemed like I got a lot more personal revelation than Sunday, not that it was bad, but I just liked Saturday better, I think Dallin H. Oaks was one of my favorite talks, about how the love of God does not supersede his commandments and love doesn't give us the right or excuse to not obey. But pretty much all of them were really good.
Well, since you asked, Elder Meacham is from Boise Idaho which I thought I said, but ya as far as his bench stats lets just say he should stick to cross country. He loves to run which is good for me to go out and jog in the mornings, however, speaking of bench, our ward mission leader has a son in law that is a huge time lifter, and is seriously just an ox. hes about my size but 100% solid, and you can tell he lifts weights but not that he lifts as much as he does, I mean he squats about 600, and benches like 400 and is seriously just a tank. But, aside from that he is a nonmember and our ward mission leader wants us (meaning me because I am about the only missionary that can hang with him lifting wise) to kind of make him a special project, so we have been able to go lift at the gym with him which has been sweet, and also painful. Last Saturday we worked biceps and triceps and we could feel the burn in our arms for the next several days, even just talking on the phone hurt just to put the phone up to our ear. And then this past Saturday we got to go do a leg workout with him before the first session of conference, and now it feels like I can barely walk! Luckily it's p-day and we're going to play basketball today so we should get some of that lactic acid out. But ya our ward mission leader wants us to go lift with him at least once or twice a week, which I have no complaints about, I just wish I didn't feel like a wussy. He goes to a super hardcore gym

But with transfers, more than likely Elder Meacham is going to be leaving because he has been here for 6 months, so regardless I hope whoever my companion is next transfer likes to lift! Well as well I forgot to tell you all about a pretty funny experience I had last week at church, so I will tell you now, but for the past couple of transfers, I have been trying to learn some hymns on the piano and just practicing when I can when we are at the church for meetings and whatnot, and so recently I've been playing before church starts just some pre-prelude music before the real people that do it get there, and so our church schedule is kinda flip flopped with priesthood first and then ending with sacrament, so there's a couple times in the griffin ward I've been able to play the song for priesthood, even though its Brother Lackey's calling I suppose, but he hasn't minded every once in a while letting me play because I'm already up there, which has kind of put me on the spot several times because I haven't really wanted to do it, but its not that bad because there's not nearly that many people there for priesthood that often, so I can suck it up. But I've been getting to the point I can play about four or five hymns comfortably. So on Sunday we were leaving the gospel principles class and on our way to get a seat for sacrament and just about as soon as I walk in the chapel the chorister comes and asks me to play piano for sacrament because the pianist wasn't there, so I pretty much just got suckered into playing for sacrament because I couldn't really say no, and so ya I actually had to play piano for Sacrament! it was pretty rough, especially the introduction to the first song because I don't practice intro's and then I haven't practiced just about any sacrament songs so I had to pick one that looked easy to me and then pretty much sight read it and there were a couple really rough spots but I got through it. But ya it was pretty intense and I kinda dont want to get called on for it again, at least not until I can play more hymns better! So ya that was my funny story for the week, so I hope y'all have a super week and I'll let you know about transfers on Wednesday!
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