So it has been another super exciting week for sure. Just to name a few things that happened I got the package the activity day girls sent, we went to zone p-day, got in a car wreck on our way to zone p-day, are scheduled to have a baptism this Friday, and found 8 new investigators throughout the week! Not too bad huh?
Well first and foremost thank you for the package, I really enjoyed it, and I think there were a couple other missionaries that enjoyed it too, or at least the candy part of it! I will write a letter home soon because I don't remember writing one last week, but just be looking for it.
So then we had zone p-day after our emailing session last week, which was pretty exciting, not so much that we got to play basketball, but because right as we were

turning in front of the church we got in a wreck! Elder 'B' and I got a ride from some people in the area directly South of us, Thomaston, and they are famous for always coming in the "Tooth Ferry," which is a big blue van that one of the members owns to pick up his patients because he is a Doctor. So we're getting there and at the intersection just before we get to the church we started to turn, when there was a car coming from the opposite direction, and I wasn't really paying attention to what was going on until I saw the pick up truck coming straight at me! I think it was really our fault because I don't think we had a green arrow to turn left. But ya, pretty much we got slammed pretty good. Luckily everyone was safe in the car, I had the worst of it because I got a shard of glass stuck in my forearm so I was bleeding a good bit, but then I just rubbed some dirt in it and called it good. It actually wasn't that bad, just a little scratch, but the van got it pretty good, the windows on the back right were gone, and the axle probably got banged up pretty good like the rim did, but I think the other truck got it worse because he hit us with his front, and the wheels were V-d out as the dragged it onto the tow truck. So needless to say that was a big bummer, especially because it was a member's vehicle. Plus we didn't have as much time to play basketball, but we survived. I felt pretty bad for
Brother 'S' who was driving because it wasn't his vehicle he was just driving us.
So ya that was a good start to our week I guess. But the biggest news right now is that there is going to be a baptism in the Griffin Ward on Friday! Woohoo! His name is
Brother 'C' and he is 22 and is ready to be dunked! We met him a couple weeks ago, and he's the son of a media referral we received, and hes come to church twice, had all the lessons but one, and will be interviewed on Wednesday and baptized Friday! I am pretty stoked, I will definitely send the pictures to y'all! That's about it for this week though, have a good one!
-Elder Edwards
Glad Elder Alex is ok, but the bleeding and glass in the arm thing just isn't getting out of my head.
ReplyDeleteExcited about all the work of spreading the gospel. Something to look forward to on Friday!