So who loved conferece? I did! It was really good, I think the general theme I got from it was self reliance in the home. The Sunday sessions had a lot to do with the Christ and His Atonement which was fitting for an Easter Sunday.
So who loved conferece? I did! It was really good, I think the general theme I got from it was self reliance in the home. The Sunday sessions had a lot to do with the Christ and His Atonement which was fitting for an Easter Sunday.
This week was fairly excellent for us here in the Brockett Ward. I think this was the most tiring week of my mission. I
have amped up my workouts lately, with running a mile or two almost every morning and trying to do some upper body circuits every other night before bed. This week we worked our bunns off and so I slacked a little when it came to running this week, but I am determined to lay down the law and go for a run at least 4 times a week. My companion isn' too much of a work out freak like I am trying to get myself back into from being a lazy bum, but he's willing to go running with me so
that's good.
have amped up my workouts lately, with running a mile or two almost every morning and trying to do some upper body circuits every other night before bed. This week we worked our bunns off and so I slacked a little when it came to running this week, but I am determined to lay down the law and go for a run at least 4 times a week. My companion isn' too much of a work out freak like I am trying to get myself back into from being a lazy bum, but he's willing to go running with me so
that's good.
We also had zone conference this week and it was really great. We have been issued the challenge to read the Book of Mormon from cover to cover this transfer and it is pretty sweet! It is easy to get behind though! I'm about a day and a half off but I should be able to catch up pretty quickly. We were able to commit a new investigator we found this week to baptism so we are pretty excited to see how that goes. We've been trying to go through our roster and visit every person on there and build their trust and we went to the appartment of one family who had moved apparently without any notice to much of anyone, but we asked the new resident if she wanted to learn about the church and she accepted and if it be according to the will of the Lord she will be baptized. She is going through a lot in her life right now with family and other situations and we havent seen her since our first visit but she should be back this week so we'll see. On Friday we have a dinner appointment with a part memeber family. The husband, Brother H., is not a member but is really close to becoming one, or so we've felt. He's made tremendous amounts of progress over the past while from what we here. Elder C. of the Seventy is his home teacher and he said that he basically gave a soft commitment to baptism in one of his recent visists. When we saw brother H. last we had a really good lesson with him just trying to get him to recognize the spirit's influence in his life. We almost had him backed into a corner
where we could have potentially committed him to baptism if the spirit allowed, but then he pulled a fast one on us and asked if we were hungry and heated up some pizza for us. After leaving both Elder O. and I were somewhat perplexed becasue the last time we visited it seemed like he was one tought cookie but this time he really opened up and I think we might really work towards giving him a baptismal date when we go over this Friday. Well, we have interviews this Thursday and I'm kind of looking forward to that and almost not at the same time but I know it
will be really good, it always is.
where we could have potentially committed him to baptism if the spirit allowed, but then he pulled a fast one on us and asked if we were hungry and heated up some pizza for us. After leaving both Elder O. and I were somewhat perplexed becasue the last time we visited it seemed like he was one tought cookie but this time he really opened up and I think we might really work towards giving him a baptismal date when we go over this Friday. Well, we have interviews this Thursday and I'm kind of looking forward to that and almost not at the same time but I know it
will be really good, it always is.
I have not received any package yet but I would not be suprised to see one in a couple of days, if you have already sent it. I will definitely write a letter to Nanny and Papa this week. I need to do better on writing, I just get lazy and then distracted with other things and before I know it it;'s been a month or two since I've hand written anyone. I wish y'all a wonderful week and
can't wait to hear from ya next week!
can't wait to hear from ya next week!
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