My new companion is Elder Warwood. Hes a pretty cool guy, likes to race dirtbikes and just do a lot of fun stuff. He's from Battlemountain, Nevada which is about 700 miles north of Las Vegas. We are whitewashing here and we haven't done a whole lot except eat dinner with some members and visit a couple of people here. He is definitely a lot more laid back than Elder Cooper which Im trying to decide if I like. Right now I feel kinda lazy because we haven't done a whole lot but then again we didn't do too much the first little while in Dallas whitewashing. He has been out about 16 months and is a little bit trunky if you ask me but we have some huge potential for baptisms this month.
The Elders before us baptized three people in the same family but they weren't confirmed so the records haven't been sent in and don't count towards the mission goal of 680 baptisms before President Mathusek leaves, and right now we are pretty close to reaching that goal. We need 93 for this month to make it, which will set a record for the mission, and it averages out to a little more than 1 baptism per companionship so we should hopefully be able to contribute to that goal.
My new area is a lot different from Dallas. We don't have to drive so far to get what we need done because everything is a lot closer together and not nearly so spread out. There are also a lot more clearings than in Dallas so not quite so many trees. We are also pretty close to the mission home and about 30 minutes from Atlanta, or so I am told. The members here are really great. Of course you got to talk to Sister Vaughn who is really awesome, as well another figure getting his name around is Brother Morris. He is a recent convert of about 1 year but you would never know it. He is 82 years old and just one of the coolest guys you'll ever meet. He loves to take the missionaries out to dinner and it usually ends up being a steak dinner. He travels all over the mission it seems like to be at other missionaries baptisms, so when he came to Dallas for a baptism that the sister missionaries had, he took about 6 of us out for a pretty excellent steak dinner and then to Coldstone afterwards. He is just a really great guy, and loves to take the missionaries to transfers or the temple or anywhere else that they need to get a ride to.

That's about it for now, hopefully you got my letter I sent last week, but until then have a wonderful week!
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