As far as missionary work this week, we had another solid week numbers wise, but it was the first week that no investigators came to church which was a bummer. The two girls, L and S have fallen off the radar lately, and haven't kept appointments or come to church in several weeks, so we have dropped them for the time being, but more than likely we will refer them to the A.P.s because they cover the singles ward and I think that that is hands down the best place for them anyways. R and J have been almost impossible to get a hold of as well, but they have both just started jobs and have been getting things together, but as well havent been able to come to church yet, but once their schedules straighten out things should be fine.
We are excited for General Conference this week. Elder Condie (I don't think that's how you spell it but it sounds right) was a stud at zone conference. He was super funny and had a super good impression of President Hinckley. He focused on a lot of different ways to find investigators and definitely emphasized retention. It was a different zone conference because usually the a.p.'s zone leaders, and a few other random missionaries give trainings on different aspects of missionary work and then the Mission President hits it home. But this time we heard from the a.p's and zone leaders just a brief summary of how our zones and mission as a whole were doing, then we heard from two Stake Presidents, President S and his wife, and then Elder Condie and his wife. So it was a super spiritual zone conference at that! Well thats about all for this week, next week is transfers, which will be weird because we'll have P-day two days before, but I bet we'll be able to email families and whatnot when we find out on Wednesday, so until then, Adios!
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